

HEX (PulseChain) (HEX)

HEX is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency that was launched on December 2, 2019, as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum network. Recently, in May 2023, it was copied over to the PulseChain network, where the PulseChain version of HEX is now considered the more valuable token. Created by Richard Heart, a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency space, HEX is designed to operate as a certificate of deposit (CD) for the blockchain, allowing users to stake their tokens in exchange for rewards.

hex background
Ticker HEX
Category PulseChain Ecosystem
Twitter @HEXcrypto
Telegram HEXcrypto
Contract Addresses
pulsechain 0x2b...39Copied!

The HEX staking model

Proof-of-wait mechanism

Unlike traditional proof-of-work (PoW) cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, HEX utilizes a proof-of-wait (PoW) mechanism. This mechanism rewards users for locking up their tokens for a selected period. This unique staking model has garnered both strong supporters and critics, making HEX both a controversial and innovative digital asset.

Staking features and rewards

HEX offers users the ability to stake their tokens for a fixed duration ranging from 1 to 5,555 days, in exchange for interest rewards. The longer a user stakes HEX, the greater the potential yield. The system is designed to promote long-term holding by offering higher annual percentage yields (APY) for extended staking periods. Key features of staking include:

  • Bigger Pays Better: Larger stakes receive slightly higher rewards.
  • Longer Pays Better: Staking for a longer duration results in higher interest.
  • Early Unstaking Penalty: Users who break their staking contract before maturity face penalties.

Monetary policy and game theory

HEX employs a unique monetary policy where new tokens are minted at an annual inflation rate of 3.69%. Unlike PoW systems, this inflation is distributed to existing stakers rather than miners. Initially, HEX had an Adoption Amplifier Phase, allowing Bitcoin holders to claim free HEX tokens, promoting early adoption.

The economic model of HEX is grounded in game theory principles that reward users for delayed gratification. This approach aims to reduce market volatility and discourage short-term speculation. The staking system encourages users to lock their holdings instead of trading actively, creating a deflationary effect in terms of circulating supply.

Criticism and skepticism

Despite its growing adoption, HEX has faced criticism and skepticism within the cryptocurrency community. Critics often argue that HEX's reward system resembles a Ponzi scheme or high-yield investment program (HYIP), as new investors’ stakes contribute to the rewards of earlier stakers. However, HEX supporters argue that the system operates transparently on the blockchain without dependence on external revenue streams.

Concerns have been raised about the centralized ownership of HEX, as a significant portion of tokens appears to be held by a small number of wallets. This concentration could potentially lead to market manipulation. Furthermore, HEX’s staking model and high returns might attract regulatory scrutiny, particularly from financial authorities like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

HEX's market journey

Since its launch, HEX has experienced dramatic market fluctuations, characterized by rapid price increases and significant declines. These price swings have made HEX a point of excitement for traders and a concern for long-term investors.

Initial growth and market corrections

HEX witnessed rapid price increases as early adopters staked their tokens and spread the word through community-driven marketing. However, like most cryptocurrencies, HEX has faced market downturns, especially in tandem with broader crypto market declines.

Liquidity and exchange listings

HEX has been delisted from some major exchanges, which has made it less accessible for traders. Despite this, it remains actively traded on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) like Uniswap.

HEX on PulseChain

To address Ethereum’s high gas fees and network congestion, Richard Heart launched PulseChain (PLS), a blockchain designed to enhance transaction speed and reduce costs. HEX was copied onto PulseChain, enabling users to hold and stake their tokens on a network with lower fees. PulseChain is marketed as an Ethereum fork, aiming to provide faster and cheaper transactions while maintaining compatibility with Ethereum-based applications.