
Platon network

PlatON Network (LAT)

PlatON Network is a cutting-edge data-sharing platform, emphasizing verifiable and privacy-preserving computation. It harnesses advanced cryptographic algorithms to deliver secure and efficient services.


PlatON is an initiative by the LatticeX Foundation, leveraging blockchain technology and a private computing network. Its core feature is "computing interoperability," which serves as a foundational protocol for the next-generation Internet. Within the network, nodes participate through a process called pledge, which involves locking LAT tokens. The network employs the PPoS consensus mechanism to select verification nodes. PlatON’s infrastructure supports global artificial intelligence, distributed application developers, data providers, and storage entities, providing a robust open-source architecture.

platon-network background
Ticker LAT
Category Smart Contract Platform
Twitter @PlatON_Network
Telegram PlatONNetwork

Staking is central to PlatON's operation. The network's security strengthens with more LAT involved in staking and delegation. Selection of active verification nodes depends on the total LAT pledged by nodes and delegators.

PlatON token

LAT is the native token of the PlatON network, functioning as a digital currency. It facilitates transactions within the network and is integral to its applications. LAT can be obtained through participation in the LatticeX Foundation's Grants program and other community initiatives.

Uses of LAT token

  • LAT provides fuel and guarantees PlatON network security: LAT is crucial in the PPoS mechanism, allowing users to delegate nodes or pledge to become verification nodes, enhancing network security and earning LAT rewards.

  • LAT as the medium of the data trading market: LAT serves as a payment medium for clearing and settling transactions in PlatON’s data and computing power market. Network participants earn LAT by contributing data usage, computing power, and algorithms.

  • LAT supports the development of DApp ecology: PlatON promotes DApp and DeFi development, incorporating economic coupling designs. DApps can issue tokens backed by LAT reserves, and stablecoins backed by LAT are also supported.

PlatON specialties

PlatON specializes in several domains, including verifiable computation, blockchain, distributed business, digital assets, digital currency, multi-party computation, cryptography, and privacy protection. It offers services in decentralized networks, data sharing, and data exchange, along with blockchain consulting and privacy-preserving technologies.